Monday, April 8, 2013

Damco expands container freight station in Cambodia.

Phnom Penh: Damco, a global leader in supply chain solutions and freight forwarding, has opened a second CFS warehouse facility in Cambodia to further enhance and support its customers’ growth in this strategic emerging market.
Following the successful launch of Damco CFS Warehouse 1 which started operation in August 2011, the inauguration of Damco CFS Warehouse 2 today marks a new chapter for DAMCO in Cambodia.
Strategically located along National Road 4 and within a kilometer of major manufacturers in Phum Chompou worn, Sangkat Choom Chao Phnom Penh, both facilities offer a total combined space of over 16,000 square–meters with over 40 loading bays and an advanced CCTV system.
This new, additional development is a clear indication of Damco’s strategy to continue to strengthen and further develop its presence in Cambodia, to serve and support customers’ logistics demands and to set the benchmark standard for logistics services in the Kingdom.
The new warehouse will not only provide customers with access to key services such as inventory management, order processing, RF scanning, bar coding, vendor & carrier management but also value added services such as cross border and inland trucking.
Mr. Andy Lim, Country Manager of Damco Cambodia comments, “There are often many challenges doing business in emerging markets: infrastructure bottlenecks on the quayside, along road or rail networks or local procedures and practices.
"Here in Cambodia, the strong support from the government and local authorities gives us the confidence that this market will continue to develop positively and will be one of the most competitive markets in the region, for many years to come. And Damco is geared to overcome such challenges together with our customers in emerging markets.”
Global customers are increasingly looking to Cambodia as a key market for sourcing their manufacturing needs. Cambodia has been well known to be a very popular manufacturing hub in Indo China and in recent years more manufacturers are setting up their presence here as sourcing requirements from global clients continue to rise in the region, particularly in the garment sector.

Write by Khmer 2days


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